Info Update - American Legion 2

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Info Update

   Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete your information. This information is for Post #40 information only.
   We will use your email address to send announcements.
   If you have a photo available that we can post for those we are missing, please send a jpg to  We hope to be able to get photos or updated photos of members in their uniforms at a later date. We would also love to receive a photo from your basic training days.
  If you are unable to send photos by email, please feel free to drop off photos in an envelope to Anne Tuff at the Legion in the right-hand draw at the end of the bar. Please be sure to include your name. Photos will be returned to you.
   Thank you for your assistance!
   Anne Tuff

American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary Henry M. Guttormson, Post #40
103 Elmwood, PO Box 285, Lanesboro, MN 55949
(507) 467-3440
@ 2008 - 2018 All rights reserved
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