Addictions - American Legion Post #40

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Alcohol Rehab Guide
      An independently owned site and has the luxury of freely operating and partnering with facilities across the United States, therefore providing support to those affected by or battling alcoholism and co-occurring disorders through reliable information.

American Addiction Centers
    The problem of addiction is one that plagues veterans returning home from combat and military deployment facing a number of challenges trying to acclimatize to civilian life.  Chief among these challenges is coping with psychological and emotional trauma of battlefield experiences and the toll it takes on their mental health.  Far too many of them self-medicate by turning to alcohol or controlled substances, and the human cost is staggering.  This rehab guide for addicted veterans and their families can answer questions about drug and alcohol treatment and therapy for soldiers and the people who love them.

California Behavioral Health
           We believe that addiction is a chronic disease that affects a person physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We know through experience addiction can be overcome with a science-based approach to recovery. The healing process is through evidenced-based clinical care, Residential Treatment settings, Dual Diagnosis Treatment, Luxury accommodations, and Educated, licensed, professional and highly trained staff. - Veterans and Addiction
    Veterans often cope with stress after returning from multiple deployments.  They may also suffer from illnesses and injuries that can contribute to a substance use disorder.  Addiction delays an already complex social reintegration process and can have negative repercussions.  The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs offers treatment plans to support veterans as they recover from substance use disorders.

The Recovery Village
    A comprehensive substance abuse and eating disorder residential treatment facility in Florida providing 24-hour a day medical care and clinical therapeutic monitoring for patients with addictions and/or eating disorders.  Offers a full continuum of care from a patients’ arrival.  In addition to medical detox and acute medical stabilization, offers nutrition monitoring and medical intervention, inpatient, residential, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, sober housing accommodations, and aftercare.

    Have questions or comments?  We welcome your opinion.  Please email your comments or suggestions to or call Anne at 507-460-9040. Thank you for your support.
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