Commanders Log - American Legion Post #40

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Commanders Log

Feb 10, 1893 – Aug 6, 1918
    The Lanesboro American Legion Post #40 was named for Henry M. Guttormson in 1919.  Henry M Guttormson was born Feb 10, 1893 to Mr. and Mrs. Guttorm O. Guttormson in Lanesboro, MN.  He entered the service September 22, 1917 as a Private with Co 11, 1st Infantry Training Regiment AEF.  He arrived in Europe in late June of 1918 and was sent to the front three weeks later.  He actively engaged in early fighting at Chauteau Thierry and was killed in action near Aisne River August 6, 1918.  He is buried in the American Cemetery near Romagne France.

    Commander information has been condensed.  Complete biographies of the Commanders can be viewed in the Commanders Log at the post.
    *The original Commanders Log Cover was handcrafted by Legion member Carl John Thompson

Click on the photo to view the Commander information.
1919   George A Gulbrandsen
1920   Carroll C Jacobson
1921   George A Gulbrandsen
1922   Milo Thoreson
1923   Edwin B Stromme
1924   John W Hennessy
1925   Paul L Dorn
1926   Msgr, Leo M Devlin
1927   Msgr, Leo M Devlin
1928   E W Tollin
1929   Raymond Lee
1930   Paul L Dorn
1931   Beryle Arnold
1932   Robert W Culbertson
1933   Henry S “Heinie” Hoff
1934   Howard C Shattuck
1935   Arnold B Evenson
1936   Otto L Moe
1937   A W Highum
1938   Carl A Lodahl
1939   Arthur I Olson
1940   Odwin Bradley
1941   John H "Duffy" Lewis
1942   Helmer Kolstad
1943   Leland Benson
1944   August Witte
1945   Obert Garness
1946   Edwin O Davidson
1947   Orval H Amdahl
1948   Russell Hanson
1949   Donald M Thompson
1950   John H "Duffy" Lewis
1951   Gordon Storhoff
1952   Leroy “Eric” Erickson
1953   Paul Ahlert Evenson
1954   Adolph M Halvorson
1955   Lee Boyum
1956   Maynard Julian Ask
1957   Lester Gunderson
1958   Allan Vogen
1959   Roland Brekke
1960   Ferdine O Olson
1961   Hiram Neil Redalen
1962   Darryl Northouse
1963   Laird H Adams
1964   Peter John Fox
1965   Earl Flattum
1966   Donald Wangen
1967   Orlando T Johnson
1968   Wendell Draper
1969   Robert Thompson
1970   Charles Schroeder
1971   Bennett Berge
1972   Bennett Berge
1973   Orval H Amdahl
1974   Donald M Thompson
1975   Orvey Peterson
1976   Richard “Dick” Hanson
1977   Donald M Thompson
1978   Duane “Dewey”  Hungerholt
1979   Gary Redalen
1980   Glen Jensson
1981   Laird H Adams
1982   James O Ostrem
1983   Loren Berge
1984   Brian Thompson
1985   Lowell Flattum
1986   Thomas Peterson
1987   Jerry Haugen
1988   Robert Norstad
1989   Donald Wangen
1990   Robert D Norby
1991   Donald Wangen
1992   Donald Wangen
1993   Donald Wangen
1994   Donald Wangen
1995   Donald Wangen
1996   Allan Vogen
1997   Allan Vogen
1998   Donald Ruen
1999   Joe O'Connor
2000   Joe O'Connor
2001   Dale Honsey
2002   Rick Darling
2003   Glen Jensson
2004   Glen Jensson
2005   Dale Honsey
2006   Dale Honsey
2007   Rick Darling
2008   Rick Darling
2009   Rick Darling
2010   Jay Wheelock
2011   Deane Benson
2012   Deane Benson
2013   Deane Benson
2014   Deane Benson
2015   Deane Benson
2016   Rick Schnaufer
2017   James Haugen
2018   James Haugen
2019   Mike Mullen
2020   Mike Mullen
2021   Mike Mullen
2022   Mike Mullen
2023   Mike Mullen
2024   Mike Mullen/Dave Rahn
2025   Mike Mullen
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