Insurance - American Legion Post #40

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   Before proceeding, please click here for details regarding use of these links. if you have problems with any links, please notify
Medicare Plans Resource for Veterans
   Many veterans, enrolling in Medicare offers an extra level of protection against high out-of-pocket medical costs and gives more flexibility when choosing doctors and hospitals.  

Traveling with a Medical Condition/Traveling Abroad with a Disablility
    Created to help people with all kinds of medical conditions – including cancer, epilepsy, and many disabilities – get the right coverage for an affordable price when traveling around the world.  Getting specialist travel insurance ensures you have full coverage for emergency medical care when you need it if the unexpected does happen.
    The guide offers helpful information, such as:  travel tips, accessible travel recommendations and destinations specifically catering to the disabled, advice on what to pack, transportation accessibility, and where to seek medical or emergency help.  
Veterans Dental Insurance Program
  • A pilot plan designed for Veterans with no dental coverage, or those eligible for VA dental care who would like to purchase additional coverage.
  • Participation does not affect entitlement to VA dental services and treatment.  *Free dental services for Veterans with dental problems connected to a medical condition that's officially certified as "service connected" will continue.
  • No eligibility limitations based on service-connected disability rating or enrollment priority assignment.
  • Spouses and dependents who are reimbursed for most medical expenses under VA's CHAMPVA program are also eligible. *Generally CHAMPA participates are spouses, survivors or dependent children of Veterans officially rated as "permanently and totally" disabled by a service-connected condition.
  • People interested in participating may complete an application online through either Delta Dental,, or MetLife,
  • Dental services under the program vary by plan and include diagnostic, preventive, surgical, emergency and endodontic/restorative treatment.
  • Enrollment in the VADIP is voluntary. Participants are responsible for all premiums, which range from $8.65 to $52.90 per month for individual plans. Copayments and other charges may apply.
  • For more information on VADIP, visit or contact Delta Dental at 1-855-370-3303 or Metlife at 1-888-310-1681.
  • Veterans who are not enrolled in the VA health care system can apply at anytime by visiting, or calling 1-877-222-VETS (8387) OR visiting their local health care facility.
*Contact the Fillmore County Veterans Service Office at 565-467-4937 for details and assistance.

    Have questions or comments?  We welcome your opinion.  Please email your comments or suggestions to or call Anne at 507-460-9040. Thank you for your support.
Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.
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