Housing - American Legion Post #40

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Helpful Links
   Before proceeding, please click here for details regarding use of these links. if you have problems with any links, please notify webmaster@lanesboroamericanlegion.org
MACV (Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans)
    A nonprofit organization dedicated to helping Minnesota veterans since 1990. MACV provides many unique programs that serve veterans and their families throughout the state. MACV provides direct services and assistance to veterans across Minnesota in the areas of housing, employment, and legal assistance. MACV operates various events across the state of Minnesota to include legal clinics and Stand Downs.  https://www.mac-v.org/

Veterans Homes
    The Minnesota Veterans Homes, not only consider it their duty to provide the highest level of care to those who answered our nation's call, they believe it is an honor.  It is their mission to serve Minnesota Veterans and their families with quality health care in a community of trust, delivering a safe, dignified and compassionate health care system, and to provide a nurturing and engaging home environment for Minnesota's heroes.  https://mn.gov/mdva/homes/

No Veteran Should Be Without a Place to Call Home
    The VA is committed to ending homelessness among Veterans by focusing on conducting coordinated outreach to proactively seek out Veterans in need of assistance, connecting homeless and at-risk Veterans with housing solutions, health care, community employment services and other required supports, as well as collaborating with federal, state and local agencies; employers; housing providers, faith-based and community nonprofits; and others to expand employment and affordable housing options for Veterans exiting homelessness.

Moving Help Guide – Military Move/Relocation
    Created to serve as a guide, providing information and resources that you may not know were available and to hopefully make any moves you have simpler and easier. Provides information on various types of moving services available, tips on how you can save money, as well as information about the companies that provide moving help and moving labor services.   https://www.movingoptions.com/moving/military-move-relocation/
Military Moving Guide: Active Service and Veterans
    Moving as an active, or even a retired service member can be strenuous, due to both personal and economic factors that affect military personnel. This guide can help veterans and active duty service members navigate PCS orders, as well as homeownership after duty.  https://uphomes.com/blog/military-moving-guide
NewDay USA
    For 20+ years, NewDay USA has been building our nation's leading VA mortgage company, serving America’s veterans and their families, to help Veterans get the financial security and peace of mind they deserve. Led by Veterans, for Veterans. Inspired by the values they embody. Taking pride in doing what’s right. Showing fortitude when faced with hardship. Banding together to succeed. At NewDay USA, that mindset has come to define their business philosophy. They promise to treat you with the dignity and respect that you deserve. https://www.newdayusa.com/about

    Have questions or comments?  We welcome your opinion.  Please email your comments or suggestions to webmaster@lanesboroamericanlegion.org or call Anne at 507-460-9040. Thank you for your support.
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