Military Child's Table - American Legion Post #40

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Military Child's Table

Special Interests
    April is Month of the Military Child.
    The Military Child’s Table Setting Ceremony is a unique program to involve Auxiliary Junior members and younger Sons of The American Legion to honor the sacrifices of their military child friends and classmates. The ceremony is inspired by the POW/MIA remembrance table ceremony. Our military answer the call to service every day as they defend freedom around the world. That service often comes at a great personal sacrifice, not only for the servicemember, but also for their children.

    The nontraditional place setting of the Military Child’s Table Setting Ceremony includes:
    • The potted flowering plant symbolizing that a military child may flower and flourish where they are planted
    • The hand spade recognizes that they may be transplanted to a new place in the world at a moment’s notice.
    • The birthday hat and unlit candles, along with the baseball and glove, and ballet slippers represent special occasions that are missed.
    • The family photo depicting a child with his/her uniformed parent demonstrates our country’s strength.
    • The final touch to the table setting is the American flag to remind us that families are united in their commitment to national service, at home or away.

    Have questions or comments?  We welcome your opinion.  Please email your comments or suggestions to or call Anne at 507-460-9040. Thank you for your support.
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