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We welcome your opinion. Please email your comments, suggestions, or information to or call Anne Tuff at 507-460-9040 (cell).RECEIVE ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REMINDERSSend your email address to *Your email is only used for Legion/Auxiliary/Sons of the American Legion information and activities. You may cancel at any time by simply notifying us that you no longer wish to receive emails from the Legion or Auxiliary.HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT YOU WOULD LIKE POSTED ON THE WEBSITE AND THE ANNOUNCEMENT MONITOREmail details to or call Anne at 507-40-9040 (cell). Please include your name, a phone number, and a detailed message. Every effort is made to post to the website within 24 hours. Postings to the Announcement Monitor at the Legion are posted based on the event dates. *Announcements should pertain to Legion, Auxiliary, or Sons of the American Legion members and activities.TO HAVE YOUR WEBSITE ADDED TO OUR HELPFUL LINKS“HELPFUL LINKS” offers links to programs and assistance for veterans and their families from the VA as well as independent sites. The American Legion Post #40 has no commitment to or association with these websites.Please submit your requests to To insure our veterans and their families are given legitimate information all requests are thoroughly checked out before they are added to our website. Due to the number of requests received, this process takes time. You will be notified if your link is accepted.