2 Thoughts on the US Flag - American Legion 2

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2 Thoughts on the US Flag

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2 THOUGHTS ON THE U.S. FLAG by James Mueller USAFR (Retired) Lewiston Post 90
  Two things on my mind: Recently House Speaker Nancy Pelosi presented a folded U.S. flag. While the man should not have died in the manner that he did, he was not a hero!
  In fact, he had a history of criminal behavior. Presenting a folded U.S. flag has always been reserved as a symbol of honor to the family of someone who has honorably served their country or in the case of firemen or police officers of service to their community. The man did not deserve this action! I believe that The American Legion should strongly condemn the action of Nancy Pelosi!
  The other thing on my mind is the recent discussions at the National Football League. Drew Brees stated that everyone should respect the American flag. He was immediately ridiculed and forced to apologize and to say that NFL players have a right to protest. Since when is respecting the U.S. flag controversial and something that needs to be apologized for?
  When I was in basic training and throughout my 25-year career with the U.S. Air Force Reserve, it was always impressed on me that when I was wearing the uniform, I was representing the U.S. Air Force and that I was not allowed to attend political events, nor should I voice political opinions on the president or other superiors and to always conduct myself in a manner to bring respect and honor to the uniform.
  When in civilian clothes and off duty, I had all of the freedoms of every other American. The NFL should be no different. When on the field and in uniform they represent their team and the NFL. They are there and are being highly paid to perform athletic competition, not to protest.
  The fans pay to watch a sports competition, not to hear or see protests or disrespect to our U.S. flag or national anthem. The players have every right to protest when off the field and not in uniform. I believe that The American Legion should strongly condemn any disrespect to our flag by the NFL and its players!
  Thank you for hearing my opinion.
  James Mueller USAFR (Retired) Lewiston Post 90

 Have questions or comments?  We welcome your opinion.  Please email your comments or suggestions to webmaster@lanesboroamericanlegion.org or call Anne at 507-460-9040. Thank you for your support.

American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary Henry M. Guttormson, Post #40
103 Elmwood, PO Box 285, Lanesboro, MN 55949
(507) 467-3440
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