Viet Nam Roundtable - American Legion 2

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Viet Nam Roundtable

Special Interests
   In partnership with Twin Cities Public Television, DAV of Minnesota and Concordia University, St Paul, present the 2019-2020 series held at Concordia University on the 3rd Monday of the month (September through May). Schedule, speakers and topics subject to change.  Visit for program schedules and additional information.

Concordia University
300 Hamlin Avenue North, St Paul, MN
Cost:  Parking and admission are free (a small donation to the museum is appreciation.)

2020 Vietnam War History Roundtable Schedule

The invasion of Cambodia, 50th Anniversary
Monday, April 20, 2020, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
   On April 30th 1970 President Nixon ordered American forces to invade Cambodia and destroy North Vietnamese military supply bases and sanctuaries. This aspect of Nixon’s “fighting withdrawal”, of US Forces from Vietnam brought Cambodia into the war and caused huge unrest in the United States. American veterans of the campaign and Cambodians will discuss the invasion and it’s legacy.

1970 Kent State and the Student Strike, 50th Anniversary
Monday, May 18, 2020, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
   The invasion of Cambodia prompted unrest on campuses across the country, most notably at Kent State University in Ohio. On May 4, after several days of conflict, members of the Ohio National Guard killed four students and injured nine. These events inspired other student strikes, including at the U of M and Mankato State. Former student activists will recount these tumultuous times on MN campuses.

 Have questions or comments?  We welcome your opinion.  Please email your comments or suggestions to or call Anne at 507-460-9040. Thank you for your support.

American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary Henry M. Guttormson, Post #40
103 Elmwood, PO Box 285, Lanesboro, MN 55949
(507) 467-3440
@ 2008 - 2018 All rights reserved
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