For God and Country - American Legion 2

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For God and Country

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  “For God and Country …” are the first few words of our American Legion Preamble that we recite at the beginning of our American Legion Meetings throughout America.
  “To the founders of The American Legion, service to country was service to God, and service to God was service to country, the two being mutually inclusive. We cannot stand without the other.”
  These words are still so important as we continue into the second phase of our coronavirus requirements. We still need to keep our hearts with both our God and country.
  This coronavirus still holds many mysteries to us as we bravely extend our contact with each other in our daily lives. I know I often say a prayer before going out to get groceries or fill up my car with gas that God will keep my family and me safe from harm. I wear a face mask and rubber gloves to keep both myself and my community safe. We are looking at engaging and building our community and country’s economics as we expand into Phase 2. There are still a lot of questions and fears and we need to keep taking care of each other.
  We need to continue doing our Enhanced Buddy Checks, whether completed by phone, in person or participating in “Zoom” meetings with family and friends. Our communicating with our families and friends helps us to remain strong and useful while finding out what phase two has in store for us. Keep God in your life so you can feel God’s comfort and love through others. The stronger we feel, the more we can help others feel that strength too. We human beings were created for lives of peace but find ourselves living in a dangerous world, and so we depend on the strength of God in our personal spiritually and in our country, the military, to resist evil and create conditions where justice and peace can thrive.
  From all walks of life, our American Legion members and our communities think of America as both a gift of God and that we live here is an act of grace. “The founders of The American Legion — warriors and preachers alike — have given us a great gift. Our veterans have helped secure that gift. In every gift, there is a responsibility.” And “For God and Country … our responsibility is to take care of each other, even during the coronavirus, and keep our country safe and secure.
  “Dear God, we pray that this coronavirus ends soon. Please give our first line responders the knowledge and capabilities to find a cure quickly. We pray that you keep everyone safe and our economies growing stronger as we enter Phase two requirements. We ask for this in God’s name, Amen.”
 Betty Jass is the chaplain for The American Legion Department of Minnesota. Visit

 Have questions or comments?  We welcome your opinion.  Please email your comments or suggestions to or call Anne at 507-460-9040. Thank you for your support.

American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary Henry M. Guttormson, Post #40
103 Elmwood, PO Box 285, Lanesboro, MN 55949
(507) 467-3440
@ 2008 - 2018 All rights reserved
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